Dear Emily,
A new morning has arrived and with it new opportunities. I sit curled on the sofa, coffee in hand, and watch as the bright orange sun sends it's rays through the tall trees in the front yard. I reminisce and remember another August 3rd of many years past.
This August morning begins much like the day of your birth with bright sunshine, clear skies, and a mom deep in thought and busily making a list before sleeping children awake anticipating a new day of adventure.
On the day of your birth I woke up, had devotions, made a long grocery and errands list, and prepared for what I THOUGHT the day would be like. I was, once again, well past my due date, but that was normal. I dressed myself, your sister, and your brother. My plan was to go to my regularly scheduled o.b. appointment, run a few errands, and then stop by the grocery store before returning home. I wanted the pantry and fridge well stocked before your arrival and although I knew the big day had to arrive sometime soon, I didn't expect it to be THAT day. I wanted everything to be prepared and perfect for your arrival, and I'd convinced myself I'd have to wait a little longer to meet you. Also, we were low on perishables, and I expected this to be my last opportunity to shop before your birth.
Well, during my o.b. visit I was asked why I hadn't come in earlier. I was puzzled. The doctor ordered a wheelchair, told someone to take me over to the hospital, and informed me I'd be having a baby in my arms that very day! I told the doctor of my plans to grocery shop, run errands, and of my need to make arrangements for my four year old and two year old. I asked if this could wait until the next day since I felt so good, was so unprepared, and really didn't believe I could possibly be about to give birth. I thought surely I'd have time for a quick trip to the grocery store and time to get the other children situated. The doctor said that my shopping could wait and wondered if my children would be bothered by the site of an I.V. being administered. I told the doctor that they would not be bothered and would actually be fascinated since the I.V. would be going into my arm and not theirs. So...there I was with a four year old and a two year old, and I'd told your dad that morning that I felt fine enough for him to go to a business meeting an hour or more away. Tiffiny and Jordan labored with me until your dad arrived and then Miss Dottie arrived to pick them up for an afternoon of play at her house. Having children in the room wasn't common at the time, but the staff didn't seem to mind. The time passed rather quickly and I mentioned to your dad that I thought I was in transition. He received a phone call at about the same time from your concerned Papa and told him he thought we'd have a birth in a very short time. The doctor overheard and chuckled. He told your dad that if I delivered within an hour he'd buy him a pizza. I delivered with plenty of time to spare:) Pizza! Relief! Joy! And what a beautiful sweetheart you were and are. Your dad prayed, gave thanks, and we cried. What a miraculous and awe inspiring event it is to witness as God ushers new life into this world.
Emily, you are such a steady, kind, conscientious, consistent, and diligent young lady. How I thank God for your life and pray His richest blessings on you today and always. You are a blessing, and we all love you dearly. Happy Birthday!!
P.S. We received the SWEETEST surprise today. During the early morning hours while writing this post, it occurred to me that I might not have any newborn pictures or pictures of Emily as a child. Emily gave me the mail sometime before lunch, and can you guess what my sister-in-law from Florida sent? An envelope addressed to her and my Tom's mother in my handwriting, a card, and a NEWBORN hospital picture of EMILY:) It was the EXACT one I sent to my mother-in-law shortly after Emily's birth!!! And it arrived exactly on her birthday!!! Thank you Lord, and thank you sweet sister-in-law!
P.S.S. Emily and I spent a happy afternoon lingering over lunch at a favorite Mexican restaurant. We also did a little shopping, and we had plenty of time for reminiscing and for long conversations.
P.S.S. I'd hoped to scan the newborn picture of Emi and post it today, but I do NOT know how. Anyway, I'm so happy to have it!