Dear Jeremiah, What a striking picture you make this morning as you enjoy God's gift of sweet blissful sleep. You and your brothers resting soundly with the sounds of the fans, which you have pointed towards your faces, humming softly and gently, and the breeze blowing the auburn wisps of hair on your forehead. |
And speaking of gentle, do you remember what we sometimes call you, and what your father often called you? Our Gentle Giant. Or Hoss. What a fitting name for the kind and tenderhearted fellow you've always been. And with such a hunger and thirst to know and learn about spiritual things. Very recently I was blessed by your desire to know, right then, what items were found in the Ark of the Covenant. You were in the middle of reading your lessons to me, and you wanted to stop the reading in order to find answers to your questions. May your spirit always be sensitive to God's word, and may you be blessed with wisdom and discernment. |
And on this day, Oh how I remember anticipating your birth! You, my tenth born child. And do you know that your father was also the tenth child in his family? The BABY!! We wondered if you'd be our tenth and our last. We wanted to savor every moment of your newborn days, thinking that perhaps you might be our last. But you were not to be the baby of your family. The *baby* sleeps nearby, and he finds great comfort in your presence. |
You were to be my first planned hospital birth after having had our two wonderful midwives for so many years (both moved to a new state), and I was a bit curious as to how it would be, but I was very happy to have such a fine group of doctors who considered children a blessing and who shared our joy and looked forward to welcoming a new life. I was, of course, past my expected date. That was a matter of concern to the doctors, and I suppose that was understandable. I was expecting a tenth child, but I had no history with them since I was a new patient. I shared with them that being *late* was absolutely normal for me, and they were very patient. I remember having many false alarms during the final weeks of waiting, but I never actually went in. I'd wake during the night, spend a few watchful hours thinking my time had come, only to awaken the next morning and realize that the contractions had stopped, and I'd fallen asleep.:) | |
Your brothers and sisters would run to our bedroom every morning to see if perhaps we'd left during the night. On one of these occasions, your dad had heard me pacing the floor. He later heard the shower running and me piddling in the bathroom. He realized I was getting ready for, as he called it, a midnight run to the hospital. He always kidded me about wanting to arrive with face and hair done and freshly showered.:) Well, he got up quickly, shaved, showered, and dressed. He'd even put on his nice shoes. Morning dawned, and your curious brothers and sisters made their usual trek to our bedroom. They found a very nicely dressed couple, a still expecting mommy, and a very tired and sleeping daddy. They laughed and laughed, because there was your dad, sprawled across the bed, sleeping soundly, and still wearing his shoes. He and I all dressed up and with nowhere to go! |
Well, you had to leave your comfy cocoon at some point, and your day finally arrived. We'd been asked about an induction, but we didn't want one, and you came on your own. The kind doctor offered your dad the opportunity to catch you, as that is what he'd done at home, and we were so thankful and happy to finally meet you. We were so blessed when the doctor prayed with us and gave thanks for your safe arrival, and your brothers and sisters rejoiced and warmly welcomed you home!
Jeremiah, I'm so thankful to be your mother, and your father loved you dearly. Your brothers and sisters also wish you a happy birthday, and they are very thankful to have you in their lives. May God bless you today and always, and may you always look to Him!
Blessings, love, and hugs,